I chose to stay in the city center where I can access to anywhere easily with subway station just right in front of my guesthouse. Most important, Nampo-dong is just right opposite where I stay!! *damn proud cause this is the first time i plan everything by myself!*
So after dropping my luggage and wash up, I immediately head out to the night market which is just 3min walk away from the guesthouse. This is what I see the moment I walk in the market! FOOD!!!!!
I love local authentic korean food so so much especially 떡볶이 spicy teokbokki (korean rice cake).
the moment I walk into Nampo-dong, I can't remove my eyes away from all these mouth watering food, especially when it is in red and dark orange color! (cause I love spicy food so so much, 无辣不欢!!).
We order Kimbab and teokbokki
Obviously I super enjoyed with the food right!!! So while we happily finished our food and was asking the price to pay for the food, the ajuma count and said Man Won (10,000won) which is RM30. Me and Matthias immediately look at each other with our big round eyes. ok la literally is like this:
Then Matthias ask for each item's price and this ajuma simply just list out the price of this two food. Wtf can sumore say it one by one. Fine!! we obviously got con by this aunty!!! ok la who ask us is tourist. Like VS said we are tourist sure will kena con one. Fine! so people please be aware if you come here. ASK FOR THE PRICE BEFORE YOU ORDER!! fuck, i can't even calm down and i keep telling Matthias how can we be so stupid got con by an old lady wtf!.
So we continue to walk around and i saw all these red ripe juicy strawberries!! Is so tempting and i so wanted to buy but someone say is not the season so is gonna be sour and expensive. sigh..... (sigh cause there are more unlucky things happen later fml..)
Then saw this super cute souvenir shop selling all these cute stuff so we just walk in to have a look. They sell cute cosmetics, cute accessories, cute candies, cute stationaries, cute toys, cute electronic, cute couple-t, cute etc etc.. everything is so cute to me la. So i was looking at all these CUTE hairbands and I was about to get few of them, then i realize they are quite expensive wtf. 30 ringgit plus for one hairband.... need or not wor??? siao meh, i rather take this 30 ringgit and eat another con teokbokki okay! (ya I'm cheap like that fml).
and then i also saw this super cute and tiny hello kitty weighing machine.
So we continue our eating tour after this little break for our stomach. and then i saw this! Okonomiyaki
yes yes i know is japanese food lar..
Omg this thing is super duper awesome ok! so damn delicious. When i told Matthias i would like to tried this he was like... meh~ is japanese food you know that? then i was like saying i know but so many people buying it must be nice why dont we just try it?! Then the moment we put this in our mouth, our eyes went big and round! hahahhaa..
And then we move to the next stall which having a super long queue.
And this is what we are queuing for! Hot Teok!

then before they serve the customer, this girl is filling in some sunflower seed and other mixed nuts.
You know the feeling of putting the food into your mouth immediately when the food is served. LOL~ then only i realize i have to take a photo of it!
We was eating and walking around again and then I saw this - not so good looking - 'ice kacang' ~ Pak Ping Su
Ok la no comment for this cause is just thick red bean with... not so smooth ice flakes thats all..
then finally i feel a little full, so i start to shop around. I can't believe their cloths is so damn cheap! sorry la i forgot to snap picture of the shops and environment cause when a shopaholic starts her shopping spread, she won't bother about anything else.
Ok la here is a photo of me with Nampo-dong.
While we were still walking, i suddenly got a serious leg cramp. it was so painful that my toe almost tangled together! it might sounds funny but NOT JOKING OK MY TOE GOT TANGLED TOGETHER. i mean, Almost. LOL. I was literally holding Matthias arm and walk and i almost ask him to carry me and walk already.
then we went into starbucks and take a short rest for my tangled toe.
So here is a photo of me with a sweet smile while my toe is still untangled and my foot are still in pain.
and my tour guide happily pressing his phone
So while on our way back to guest house, i saw this super cute poodle with purple ears and tail. I was like keep shouting i wanna take photo with him i wanna take photo with him. then of course my live translator see me so excited, so he went to the owner and asked if i could take a photo of me and the dog. The owner didn't even hesitate immediately nod his head. i was like immediately get near the dog and see if it bites then i carry the dog. so cute hor!!
Ok la thats all for the first day in Busan.
We have got a lots of plan for the second day but Busan love me so much that it feel touched that i visited the place out of the sudden and it decided to just rain with strong wind for the next two days. I will tell you how unlucky i am for the next post FML.
till then. <3
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